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A 15-minutes meal: huevos revueltos

This week I’d like to talk about one of the most underrated Spanish recipes: huevos revueltos. Conceptually, it looks like regular scrambled eggs, but in my opinion, it’s much better.

First things first, here in Australia we see egg dishes mostly eaten at brekkie. However, in Spain, they are the perfect option for a quick and light lunch or dinner. Especially for all those busy families that don’t have much time after work, school, afternoon activities, kids' chores, etc.

It is a great option for a filling meal after the gym, pool, or an evening run. There is not a standard recipe as such, which gives you a lot of room to add just about anything in the fridge that must be used ASAP. Use your creativity depending on how you feel or what you are craving for on the day.

The basic concept is gluten-free and vegetarian, but as I said before, go nuts and add whatever you like! Meat lover? Go for it, be creative. Pescatarian? Don’t be shy. Vegetarian? Literally this dish is for you. Vegan? Well, substitute grated tofu for eggs (although this option wouldn’t be, strictly speaking, a ‘revuelto’).

Remember the combinations of ingredients are totally up to you! However, I always like to use a few basic rules that help me achieve a great result every single time.

Firstly, I love different textures in mine, I personally enjoy a lot of veggies, chopped small, like green beans, asparagus or any of the brassicas. Cook them in a really hot pan with no oil or butter and make sure they get colour (remember the golden rule of ‘no colour, no flavour’). This process will add a little bit of smokiness to the end result that our brain likes so much.

Secondly, use the best quality eggs possible. Remember to whisk them really well with a fork until you start to see tiny bubbles in them. Season them slightly (don’t overdo it because you’ll need to adjust it at the end). My ‘chef's advice’ is to cook the eggs always a little bit under what you usually do, they will get to how you like them with the remaining heat on the plate. To me, there is nothing worse than the texture of dry eggs and too much fat. 

Important tip? The key for me is using a non-stick pan, a minimal amount of olive oil and the perfect temperature on the pan to fold the eggs with care to achieve an incredible result.

Finally, taste and season well your chosen combo! Here is where I want you to think about the layers of flavours. You have your veggies, your eggs perfectly cooked, and delicious garlic… but how can I add something else on top of that? Well, that could be a whole master class itself! But briefly, I’ll say try to complement the flavours you have in the huevos revueltos with something different, that is going to lift it up.

 Here are a few examples:

 1.     Meat option: make sure you undersalt your asparagus huevos revueltos and finish them up with thin slices of jamón serrano or pieces of cooked chorizo. Use black pepper to balance the salty ingredients.

2.     Fish or seafood option: Finish your prawn huevos revueltos with a little bit of garlic and smoky Spanish paprika (pimentón). Yum!

3.     Vegetarian: use seasonal pine mushrooms or truffle, and season them with fresh thyme, salt flakes or grated cheese.

 As you can see the option are endless! And trust me, the more that you make the better at it and faster you’ll become. I’m sure you can pump this dish out in less than 15 minutes for a quick dinner with the family. Good luck and don’t forget to tag me with your creations!


Recipe for burnt green beans huevos revueltos with local garlic, fresh ginger and fermented chilli  (Pictured)

Ingredients (serves one person): 

100 gr green beans, chopped small

5 cloves of garlic, chopped small

1 piece of ginger, chopped small

3 eggs, whisked well.

Splash of extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp of fermented chilli (or pieces of fresh chilli if you have it)

1 Pinch of salt flakes



1.     Chop the green beans into small bits

2.     Put your non-stick pan on the stove. No oil yet.

3.     Peel and chop the garlic.

4.     Peel and chop the ginger.

5.     Crack 3 eggs in a bowl and whisk

6.     Add the green beans to the pan at high heat until they caramelize and burn a little. Don't be in a hurry, this is not a stir-fry.

7.     Turn the heat down and push the beans to the side of the pan (leaving a bit of space in the center), and add a splash of olive oil, then add the chopped garlic and ginger and cook for a few minutes until they change colour.

8.     Add a pinch of salt flakes and stir all together.

9.     Turn the heat up and add your eggs, folding them with your wooden spoon.

10.  Turn the heat down and plate it up immediately.

11.   Finish with a teaspoon of fermented chill.



Ruben Lopez Mesa

A table of 10

P: 0424 605 158
