Orange City Life

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Spring Hill — the little school that could!

Spring Hill’s small but high-achieving public school has taken out the 2023 Tidy Towns award against tough competition across the state.

Last week, Orange City Council Tidy Towns Committee member Fred Maw presented the school with the Award at a morning assembly.

The Award recognises communities that successfully demonstrate strong community spirit and inclusion in the face of ongoing challenges in the category for population centres of less than 1,500 people.

Mr Maw told the assembly that Tidy Towns was not just about keeping Australia beautiful but also recognises Spring Hill Public School as “The Little School That Could”.

 “It’s about sustainability, recycling, community and what your community does,” Mr Maw said.

“Today it's your community and you collectively that are being recognised. What you guys have done is absolutely phenomenal. You should be proud of your achievements - the first in your category.”

Spring Hill Public School Principal Ann-Marie McAnulty said the school is delighted with the achievement.

“The ‘little school that could’ is the ‘little School that did!’” she said. “And much more is in store.”

Tidy Town 2023 Award judges noted the ‘can do’ attitude of staff and students, and the school’s focus on inclusion, art, physical activity, community and sustainability had re-energised and reconnected the small village community and had become an antidote to drought, COVID and flood which have severely tested community connection and resilience.

“The school’s creative approach, which ensures no one misses out, has become infectious and inspiring. Attendance, health and wellbeing have increased and NAPLAN results are above the state average,” they said.

Mr Maw said the students, teachers and community should be proud of their efforts and community spirit.

 Orange City Council’s renewable energy upgrade of Wade Park received Highly Commended in the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation category at the 2023 Tidy Town Awards.

James Sheahan Catholic High School’s Bush Regeneration Project was awarded Highly Commended in the Young Local Legends category.

Orange was also a finalist in its population category for the overall award.