Orange City Life

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Outpouring of support for flood victims

The long cleanup continues in the wake of the devastating flash flooding that ravaged Eugowra, Molong, Manildra, Cudal, Canowindra and other communities across the central west.

Over the past week, there has been an incredible outpouring of support for these flood affected communities from all over the region and beyond: Money has poured in to fundraisers, big and small; organisations and individuals have offered accommodation for flood victims; countless small businesses have donated essential goods; and an army of volunteers have been tirelessly at work with brooms and mops.

“The magnitude and the scale of what occurred here is just unbelievable,” Member for Orange, Phil Donato, said from Eugowra in a video posted to his Facebook page.

“But the community spirit that's been displayed here by so many people that have come from — not only Eugowra – but all over the Central west… to help with their machinery, with their tippers, with their bobcats, or even just with their own hands and mops and brooms.”

Establishing themselves as a flood donation hub, the Orange Ex-Services’ Club were quickly overwhelmed with support and had to cease receiving physical goods due to the sheer volume they received.

So too in Eugowra itself, where last week Federal Member for Calare, Andrew Gee — who has spent the past week in the town assisting in the cleanup — announced that Eugowra was at capacity for donations, with no space to store anymore food or other goods.

There have since been calls for donation of specific items to assist residents.

The Ex-Service’s Club is still accepting gift vouchers and cash donations, which can be given in person or over the phone.

“OESC has also reached out to the wider clubs industry,” they said in a statement, “and we have had an unbelievable response so far, and we are not done.

“OESC is so proud of our Club community in what has been raised so far from clubs and industry bodies in NSW, VIC and QLD… thank you to everyone that has donated, whether it was large or small, it all counts.

A GIVIT fundraising page has also been created for those wishing to help the Eugowra community:…

The recovery from this disaster is going to take time and a lot of work, Mr Donato said, adding that there are psychological wounds that also need to heal.

“The trauma that people endured last week; many people lost everything, didn’t have insurance, left with the clothes on their back… and it is going to take a long time to rebuild that and psychologically and mentally we’ve got to look after each others welfare, check on each other, make sure people are going okay.

“And, if they are not, encourage people to come forward or seek help yourself. Really make sure we check on each other, help each other, support each other, because together we will get through this.”