Orange City Life

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Essential workers are treated to free coffee

For one week, starting from August 30th, essential workers won’t have to worry about spending the dosh on their morning coffee on the way to work.
As the good deed that’s being orchestrated by the students and staff members of Orange High School, who are generously covering the costs for everyone who’s still having to wake up and continue business as usual through this current lockdown.
Serving up at the school’s Educated Roast Café, people can swing by in the bus bay and order their free cuppa along Woodward Street between 7am to 11am.
A dedicated team of four senior students completing their school-based barista traineeship, are being led by Carol who expressed her gratitude for rewarding our essential workers:
“This is just one way we’re rewarding our frontline workers across all professions. Especially our police, firefighters, hospital and health workers; nurses, doctors and dentists. It’s our way of saying thank you to them and everything they do for us during these trying times.”
Orange High School’s relieving principal Kristie Anderson commented they were generously helped by the assistance of our local Salvation Army. Who were able to  donate milk and other food perishables that was provided from Seven 7 when their stores had to be closed for deep cleaning.
Providing the extra essential resources for the café to bring this appreciative kindness to the community without breaking the school’s wallet so to speak.
Over the initial several days, the café has been “really busy” with many people dropping in for their morning hot beverage before work.
“People have been coming back every day so far. They get their free coffee on the first day and on the second day they pay for it to help support us. It’s really nice of them to return the favour,” Carol said.
The free coffee for all essential workers is available from August 30th to September 3rd located at Orange High’s bus bay.