Orange City Life

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Fresh New Look: The Corner Store Gallery’s lockdown makeover

For many of us stuck in these lockdowns, it has left us pondering and designing renovation ideas to our homes, businesses and backyards.

Whether it’s a fresh coat of new paint on the walls, or that newly purchased Bunnings indoor pot plant that really brings the room together.

A simple aesthetic update can certainly change the mood for the better of any establishment inside and out.

This is the case for The Corner Store Gallery’s director and artist Madeline Young who “took the opportunity of our lockdown period to update the space” in the local gallery that’s just a stone’s throw away from Bills Beans Café.

“We have a new floor. We ripped up our old ‘faux timber floor board’ lino and got the concrete slab underneath polished.

We also got new gallery furniture and replaced some old, mismatched doors along with the door handles and other small details throughout the gallery,” Madi explains.

“I've wanted to do it for over 18 months, and I am very excited – it looks better than I'd hoped.”

With the new reno upgrades in place, The Corner Store Gallery will showcase the Mini Series Art Prize 2021 that will judge artists from all over Australia.

The winning artist will be rewarded with a rent-free solo exhibition within Madi’s gallery next year.

Catching up with Madi since our artist profile on her many months ago, OCL found out the local artist has been keeping busy in her studio creating anew when she hasn’t been finalising the gallery’s renovations:

“Lockdown has actually been quite beneficial for the visual arts. I'm getting a lot more time in my studio to create which is a lovely bonus for once.

I've finished up a couple of commissions and I am finally moving onto a new series after a long creative block.”

Madi’s new work has been painting palm tree inspired abstracts which originates from “no other reason than to be colourful, cheerful and they’re taking everyone away to a warmer place.”

“They've been a lot of fun to create,” she said.