Orange City Life

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Hallway Praise for 50 Years

On January 13, 1971- 50 years ago, Robyn James started her first day at the Orange Base Hospital.

On Janurary 18, 2021, inside the Orange Health Service, corridors lined with co-workers and adorning fans, Robyn was given a surprise ceremony and some beautiful gifts to mark such an incredible achievement, COVID style, of course.

“I must say I feel the lucky one, I really do,” said Robyn. “I’ve loved every minute of working in the hospital, old and new.

“I remember getting the position, I had a baby that was needing treatment in Sydney, a friend of mine rang me and said there was a position going at the hospital and said she thought the position would suit me because it was only a few hours.

I had a baby on my mind back then and had travelling to and from Sydney on my mind. I had a two-year-old and a newborn. The Manager rang me and said the position was mine, but he wanted to meet me before I started.”

50 years later, it seems Robyn was certainly the right one for the job.

“We didn’t have anywhere near the staff that we have now, we only had two resident Doctors, now we have about 90.

“All of the meals were cooked at the hospital and they had some of the best cooks around, there were big roast dinners, peanut butter cookies for afternoon and morning tea.. or a passionfruit sponge. It was a different world in those days, back when I first began I was one of the party girls,” Robyn laughed.

One of Robyn’s vivid memories to come from the Orange Base hospital was when she had the to counsel a lady who was stuck in the elevator, not an irregular occurrence apparently!

“She was lying on the floor of the elevator and the fellow that was the repairman on this particular day was in Lithgow. She had to stay there until he got back it was awful. I was ringing her and talking to her the whole time. When she came out, she said to me that she suffers from anxiety, I said to her, ‘Well, I think that you have mastered your anxiety because you handled that very well.’ The next day she came and found me with a box of chocolates,” Robyn smiled.

Although Robyn is still in the position, she held 50 years ago, a Telephonist. The job itself has changed considerably.

“Back in those days we used to do the ‘Admissions’ as well, everything was done by hand, then the typewriters came in, that made it a bit easier,” Robyn smiled. “When computers came in that was different again,” Robyn laughed, “To someone who isn’t that savvy on it, I go alright now.”

“When I first walked through the corridors here (Orange Health Service) I honestly thought I was in Sydney. It is just incredible. I’m proud of the service that the staff here give to the community. Its enormous. There are big demands on staff, particularly in the high traffic areas. A real lot of people come here now.

So, what’s kept Robyn inspired to come to work each day? “The contact with people, I’m a big sook,” Robyn giggled. “Being around for a long time you do absorb a lot of what’s happening in the community. I’ve got a lot of very happy memories that come with this job, along with some sad ones. But also the personal satisfaction has kept me here, I never thought of leaving this place.”

Congratulations Robyn!