Orange City Life

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Boredom is not a word in the U3A Vocabulary

Course Leaders Cecily Butcher, Elizabeth Griffin, Keith Curry, Lydia Mith and Jean Penrose look forward to getting their U3A classes back underway.

After several months off, the University of the Third Age (U3A) committee and their members are very much looking forward to getting back to classes as ‘normal’.

Don’t be put off by the word university-in this instance it is used in its oldest form, being a gathering of like-minded people who come together to learn and help each other.

Having found a way to virtually keep in touch previously, come February 1, classes will re-commence in Orange at the Nquluway Ngurang- Orange Senior Citizens Centre, keeping to all COVID guidelines and restrictions.

A member eager to start the new year is Lydia Smith who moved to Orange two years ago and has since become an avid member of U3A Orange.

“I used to be a Teacher and a Librarian; I didn’t want my skills going to waste,” said Lydia. “I wanted to keep learning, and I thought maybe some of the things that I have learnt will be interesting for other people.”

Lydia brings with her two new class subjects to U3A Orange, ‘Grey Matters’- helping people think through different world views. And ‘Armchair detectives’, tracing the development within a crime novel.

Lydia continued, “U3A is run by people within the community sharing their skills and learning from each other and I think that is fantastic, particularly coming out of our year of COVID. We really need something like U3A to help people re-connect, keep brains active and have fellowship and fun together. They have so much to offer, I am amazed at the creativity and knowledge of people of met since I’ve been with U3A.”

Old favourites will be returning again this year including Keith Curry’s ‘Lively Discussion’ group on major topics around the world, this subject has been running for 15 years!

Another highly anticipated class is ‘History Unravelled’, this is led by Elizabeth Griffin and follows an adventure through history from first encounters, discoveries and more.

U3A will host an Enrolment Day at the Orange City Centre from on Thursday January 21 and an Open day at Nquluway Ngurang- Orange Senior Citizens Centre on Wednesday January 27.

The first day of team will be February 1, be assured of a warm welcome and meeting new people, perhaps even discovering your own hidden talents.

For more information, please contact Secretary Jenny Solling on 0409 557 004 or head to

Orange U3A are always exploring new topics and/or courses that the community might like to offer.