Orange City Life

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Has there ever been a more perfect situation for us to think about doing those jobs that we keep putting off or saying we'll get roundtuit one day, jobs that we know we should do but where something else always takes precedence.

With little or nothing to do and many of us being confined to our homes, it's a perfect time to get some of those worthwhile jobs done.

Given the present situation, doing ANYTHING will provide us with some form of entertainment that's not otherwise readily available, and if you complete the type of jobs I have in mind, you'll enjoy a measure of satisfaction as well.

The type of roundtuit jobs I have in mind include such things as - cleaning out your pantry and getting rid of all those items with a well and truly expired use by date, cleaning out and re-organising your garage, washing all your windows, going through your wardrobes and kitchen cupboards to clear out any never to be used again stuff and to re-organise them. What about giving your car a really good detail-like clean, more than the usual quick rub. Then there's cleaning all your light fittings, replacing any globes with energy efficient ones and cleaning your exhaust fans of all that grime, it's amazing how grotty they get.

Doing simple things like this will not only make you feel good, but any sort of household cleaning has health benefits as well, among other benefits.

Then, depending on what you decide to do, you might donate items you no longer need to local charities for someone else to benefit from, or you might buy items like paint, garden needs, car cleaning materials, or components to make or build something and if you do, this helps keep the sales going at local businesses.

Everyone would have roundtuits on their bucket list, so why not get around to doing some of them now, if you do a lot of people, yourself included will benefit.