Orange City Life

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Helping country kids achieve their goals

For Cody Logan going to university was a big deal. Being the first in his family to pursue higher education there were many unknowns, but thankfully the Country Education Foundation have been there to lend a helping hand.

Country Education Foundation (CEF) is a national not-for-profit organisation created specifically to help rural and regional youth like Cody access higher education and training.

Cody, now in his second year of a Bachelor of Paramedicine at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst, is one of 23 young people from the Orange region that the CEF is supporting in 2020 through a total $33,600 in community-raised grants.

The grants, ranging from $500 to $5,000, are awarded to help break some of the barriers country youth face when undertaking further education.

“I received the CEF grant last year as well and it really helped relieve that financial burden of university, especially with rent, utilities and transport — I travel to Bathurst three or four days a week,” said Cody.

“And all the things like laptops, textbooks and uniforms, they all have price tags on them, but they made all that really easy.”

CEF Orange and Districts foundation member Lyndall Harrison joined CEF three years ago and is a passionate advocate of education.

She said the grants may be small, but they can have a huge impact.

 “My background is education and I've lived in rural areas. I understand that distance can be a problem and isolation and all of the other problems that arise through that and it just rang a bell for me,” said Lyndall.

“If we can help 23 students believe their community is behind them, backing their aspirations, that for us is life-changing.”

And it is not just for students attending university. The CEF grants are open to young people pursuing any sort of post-school education or training, be it apprenticeships, TAFE, or workplace training.

“We might help them pay for tools or uniforms or a laptop… anything like that that is going to help them with their journey in education,” said Lyndall.

“A well as that, we give a bit of mentorship, we check up on the students and we build a relationship, so they know they've got someone to support them if needs be.”

And that support is invaluable, said Cody.

“They help in a way, that... I can't even really put it in words, because you have someone behind you who is helping you, pushing you through. They are supporting what you want to do after school, which is really nice to know that there is someone there,” he said.

“Because sometimes university can be daunting, it can be big, it can be scary, and friendships can take a while. It is all new experiences, so having someone who can support you through that journey is just awesome.”

CEF Orange & Districts is one of 44 Country Education Foundation of Australia local foundations throughout NSW, QLD, SA, Vic, ACT and NT. Grant applications for 2021 will open in July and close on 31 December 2020.  You can find more information about the work of CEF at