Orange City Life

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Memoe Jarallah

“I'm actually from the Gold Coast. I moved to Orange a year ago to focus solely on training Mixed Martial Arts and I'm hoping I'll turn professional and make a career out of it.

“I started martial arts when I was twelve years old with my teacher Kyoshi Ben Pollett at Pollett’s on the Gold Coast and I have been training ever since. I like the mental side of martial arts. It is not as one sided as a lot of other fighting sports; it is very spiritual. You must focus on yourself mentally, have good drive, a strong mindset and for me, ultimately, I like combat. I just like to fight when it comes down to it —it is in my blood!

“I usually train from 6am to about midday, 6 days a week, and I’m competing as often as I can —I've honestly lost track of the number of tournaments.

“I'm 19 now and a lot of guys my age want that persona of being a pro fighter, but I don't feel like there is any rush. For me, it is all about getting experience and making adjustments so when I break through into the big scene, there won’t be amateur mistakes.

“I do barbering on the side in the Orange Arcade— it is a trade that's run through my family for generations. But that's my side thing; training martial arts is my real passion and I hope to get to the top.