Orange City Life

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New Leadership at Williams Machin

For 46 years Williams Machin has been a trusted name in the local real estate industry. Through those years, there have been several changes, some with people, some through technology and some through sheer growth.

Another change has just taken place, this time at the top level. William’s Machin has a new leadership team.

The sole owner is now Shona Maher and Tom Sheehan has been appointed licensee and Managing Director of the long-standing agency. Shona, until now, has played a behind the scenes role but will now be involved more in the day to day operations while Tom is well known in the real estate industry having previously managed Elders Real Estate among other roles. He is looking forward to his new role. “The existing property management, sales and serviced apartments staff all know their jobs very well and will continue to deliver the high standard of service they always have, that’ll make my job easier.” Tom said.

“I’m also looking forward to working with long serving staff members Doone Grist (sales) and Christine Taylor (property management) who between them have about 46 years working at Williams Machin.