Orange City Life

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Jack Evans - People of O-Town

“Born and bred in Orange, I spent three years at Wollongong for University studying History and Politics - I decided that I wasn’t suited to that climate and the city life into the second year. I worked in a beachside kiosk,  I would happily ditch the beachside for Orange any day, you just can’t beat it here.

In saying that I think it made me develop a passion from where I’m from, the city was so congested I don’t want Orange to get that way.

I don’t mind a bit of camping and 4WDing when I get the chance, I also have a pretty severe addiction to Assassins Creed.

At the moment I’m working on a project for ‘Put Orange First’ it’s something that is really close to home for me. This town has looked after my family for years and years and with the business I’m in a position to give back and try and develop.

I had a conversation with a mate the other day and we were talking about what is our favourite thing about Orange, and we both agreed on Mount Canobolas, no matter what direction you are coming from coming home, as soon as you see the summit and the towers you know you’re nearly home and I think a lot of the locals resonate with that which is nice.”