Orange City Life

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The Lemon Tree – Doing Our Bit

Feeling a bit helpless in the drought? There’s plenty we can do to help save water …

Let’s start with some statistics first. Maths is my fave thing, so this column has got to be ‘evidence based, right?  A standard toilet cistern releases about 5 litres of water when the button is pushed after a ‘number one’. If you push the other button (for a number two, or just because you like to really flush it down good), then you’ll use about 10 litres of water each time. Averaging that out, a regular Joe will probably use about 35 litres of water a day on bathroom functions. That’s more than 1000 litres a month literally going ‘down the toilet’, or over twelve thousand litres a year used by just one person. Now, ladies I’m not leaving you out of the equation here, so join in if you want, but my early suggestions are really just for the male folk at this stage. So, if there’s 40000 people in Orange (half of those being males), then give or take, that totals up to more than two hundred and fifty MILLION litres of water (250 MEGAlitres) flushed away.

One more stat for you … an ugly one. It appears Mr/Mrs Average stays in the shower for a whopping 8 long minutes each day. Really? That’s a long shower. More than 65 litres of water in most cases. So, suggestion number one - If we each cut back to three minutes per shower as they hope we might do in these times of crisis, we’d each save another 40 litres of water per day. That’s 14000 litres each a year that each of us could bank (over half a billion litres, or half a GIGAlitre in Orange). If the shower recess is big enough, then sharing the shower with the one you love is certainly another way of giving generously to the great water-saving cause. I guess that was suggestion number two.

Living out of town makes suggestion number three an easy one, but this might be a little more difficult (and inappropriate) if you live in the ‘burbs. Having a wee off the verandah in the pitch black with nobody around is one of life’s great pleasures. Alone with a gazillion stars for company. Not only is it the world’s greatest view for a ‘number one’, but that’s doing your bit for the drought with no flushing needed. Yep, another five litres saved.

Got a lemon tree? Then paying a visit to the ol’ citrus plant is definitely a double bonus. Much of what’s contained in a wee turns out to be essential ingredients for lemon & lime trees. Many years ago, weeing on the lemon tree formed a major part of the toilet training processes we put in place for our first born (he’s 23 now and will be very embarrassed if he ever reads this J). He was more than excited every time the urge came along. Just be sure to keep regular water up to the citrus trees if you’re doing this, because wee can burn a little. There’s suggestion number four - wee on the lemon tree, killing two birds with the one stone as they say – saving water AND helping your citrus.

In summary, little things can make a big difference. Cut your shower time in half, and/or share it. If the opportunity presents, sneak outside in the dark (or behind the shed) for a number one. Finally, get the tin lids to help your lemon tree and save more flushing water at the same time. Working together and beat the drought, one wee at a time.